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Foundations and Non-Profits

Each Foundation and Endowment is different, yet many share similar goals: Generate income. Principal protection. Act as fiduciary stewards of the assets to which you have been entrusted.

Our Process

For decades, Cutler’s professionals have worked with schools, endowments, foundations, and charitable institutions. We can help your Board develop an Investment Policy Statement that caters to your organizations needs, providing parameters to guide you forward. We have the ability to customize portfolios, accommodating for socially responsible investing needs.

Whatever your goals, we have the expertise and experience to help you along your path to success.

Your Team

We take great pride in the experience, education, and background of our team. We continue to build upon this great foundation, growing our team’s expertise and investment experience. Our strength is our diversity of thought and our ability to form consensus using these different points of view.

Cutler Investment Group

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